From Perouges to Bugey

Path of the ancient meanders of the Rhône (ENS de l’Ain)

The Rhône has shaped its valley and changed its bed several times. Vestige of the old course of the river, the marsh and its meanders form a remarkable natural site offering a walking or cycling route in the middle of unspoilt nature, on the banks of the Rhône.

Distance : 3.3 km
Duration : 1h15
Level : Easy
Elevation : 19 D +
Path of the ancient meanders of the Rhône (ENS de l’Ain)
Distance : 3.3 km
Duration : 1h15
Level : Easy
Elevation : 19 D +
Departure: Serrieres-de-Briord
Earth, Not suitable for pushchairs
Pet Friendly
Download the circuit: GPX Roadmap

Between the river and the Bugey mountains, these ancient meanders are the fruit of the wanderings of the Rhône, which passed through there several centuries ago. When it receded, the waters were gradually covered by sediments, then by peat, giving way to marshy meadows and humid forests along the river, over nearly 90 hectares.

There are more than 300 floral species including 30 remarkable species as well as 15 remarkable animal species.

All these marvelous aspects are to be discovered along an educational trail, on foot or by bike. Explanatory panels and stations extend over the 3 km loop, between marshes, alluvial forest and glimpses of the river...

Find out more

Advice from the Office

Near the Via Rhôna, cycling route along the Rhône. Mountain bike circuit on the site of the meanders.

In case of rain

Do not panic ! Here are all our sheltered activities.

On the way back

To bring back a souvenir or something to treat yourself, stock up on local products from Pérouges in Bugey.






You can find restaurants


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