Explanatory video of the Apidae tourist information system and the benefits of completing the card creation form.

At Pérouges Bugey Tourisme, we sympathize. We know that your activity takes all your attention, and the paperwork, we would all do without it...
Except that, if you want to see your great performances highlighted, on the Office website and elsewhere on the web, on its brochures and especially in the hands of your audiences, you have to go through it.

We explain all this in video

Fill out the form, our advice

First, 5 simple steps to fill out the form correctly, with ease! You will see: it is easy, free and it's once a year only.

What is my form for the tourist office used for?

First of all, to relay your information – who are you on different supports. The website of the tourist office, the thematic brochures, apps, 24 hour information terminal...

It also serves as single source to disseminate your activity more widely: Ain tourism, Partir-ici.fr, Ain.fr,other tourist offices everywhere in the region or in France.

All documentary resources

To help you fill in your form, several free documents are available.

Contact us

To contact our services, receive their form and have their file created:

To propose an event to us without creating a file:
Suggest an event